Weightloss Journey...

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22, 2012

Let me just say that weightloss really is a journey!!  For so many months I had nothing to share, at least it felt that way, and so much was going on....so I never wrote.  And then I went off the bandwagon and gained my weight back so lost hope!  But today I was looking through blog's and just decided to check mine out and I see that it has been accessed 572 times!  WOW!  I figured I better start writing again in case I can provide support to someone out there that's going through what I am!

Well, since I was last posting I was moving to NJ.  I'm here now.  I live in South Brunswick NJ and have been here since March 5th.  It's been quite an adjustment from Colorado, but I'm making the most of it.  As I mentioned, I had been traveling and gained back all my weight...I was at 186.5lbs.  The good news is that I've been back on cycle 1 for 15 days now and I'm at 181lbs.  That kind of sucks since I was at 172lbs before...but what's great is that I'm back on track and moving in the right direction.  I'm thinking that life is a little more stable now and that I will continue on the program until I get to where I want to be.  The question is where do I want to be?!  Since I'm 39 I'd like to get pregnant again ASAP (I have a 23 month old) so my first goal is to be under 170lbs before I get pregnant....so I'm on it!  But my ultimate goal is to be more like 140lbs or less.  But one step at a time!  I know I'd be so happy at 160lbs...I'd feel so skinny ;)

Ok, so what have I been doing?  I continue to work out at least 5 days a week.  I was doing 2 hours a day on some days, but now I'm mostly doing an hour class.  Usually spinning, Yoga, step, or a sculpting class.  This has been working well for me.  I always hated spinning but I'm starting to get used to it and I feel it makes a difference.  Regarding food, I keep trying to make new dressings for salad.  My new thing is loving a simple spinach salad.  I always "cheat" a little because I add some nuts to my salad and also a little bit of goat cheese...that really helps me get through, oh, and some dried cranberries :)  Anyway, I'll start writing more often now to see if that'll help me keep on track!  Ok, until tomorrow!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cycle 1 Day 4

It was tough starting cycle 1 this time around. I think the stopping in starting is hard but it feels great to be back on. Today I was 174lbs. I'm sure some of that was water, but it felt good! It gave me more motivation that I will be under 170lbs by March 1st which is my goal right now. I've been working out harder and longer. Yesterday I did 1 hour spinning and 1 hour yoga. Today I did an hour of step but pushed really hard (more jumping, etc). Things are also getting better with my move. We found a place to live and move in on March 5th. That's really made a difference emotionally, it's amazing. Change really does have a big impact on stress!! It's also helped that I'm giving myself a break on job search. I'm still searching but I'm not beating myself up over it. There really is something about being positive and good to yourself. I am very hard on myself and that really doesn't help things! The other thing is that I feel that my cooking has gotten much more tasty! It is nice to really enjoy my meals at home now. I don't feel to go out all the time, like I did before. Ok, until the next post :)

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Starting over AGAIN!!!!

It's been a while since I've written. My cousin was visiting me and with the stress of the move etc....I got off the diet. My cousin is gone now and tomorrow I begin again. This time I'm going to be more aggressive...no more vacation's (at least until April ;) ). I'm at 176lbs and my first goal is to be 170lbs or less by March 1st. I will be aggressive about my workouts and I will be back on cycle 1.

Things have been tough with my move. I knew it would be hard, but it's been an emotional roller coaster. It's been hard getting used to being a stay at home mom...and trying to combine that with finding a place to live and a job. The East coast is much more competitive than what I'm used to...in both career and housing! I'm used to laid back Colorado :)

Today I've decided that for now I will back off the job search. I've been aggressive the last few weeks and have only been dissapointed, and I've been aggressive without a clear strategy or plan...so my goal now is to focus on my health until I move into our new house on March 5th, then I will focus on getting the house organized, and then once my in-laws arrive (March 27th), I will get serious about job search again. Ok, that's all for now. I'll be posting more often again :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

C1 Day 14

It's been a hard few weeks. Not with the diet but with life changes. Unfortunately I can't say this move to NJ has been a happy one for me. I've been more down then I've been in a long time...but I will continue to try and make the best of it and try to keep a positive attitude. It's hard on days like today where I just see more and more how tough it is to find housing for a decent price. It'd be easy if we wanted a 1 bedroom apt, but with a daughter, a full house of STUFF, and inlaws that are going to visit for 3 months at a time...we need space. This is very frustrating for me. On top of that...I feel the job search is going to be very tough here. I've decided to open it up to include NYC which may mean commuting for 3 hours a day...not fun. I thought I could be happy as a stay at home mom...but it just isn't so. I love my daughter but I need my time. also, the weather probably doesn't help. Today it was 31 degrees here...but it felt MUCH colder than 31 degrees would feel in Colorado. And then of-course there's the fact that I don't know anyone. I know (and hope) that a year from now I will read this post and say "wow, was I over reacting or what...now it's so GREAT here", but for now I'm struggling through.

Now I know what you're wondering....what's this doing to your diet?! The truth is...maybe it's been helping it! It's the one thing I've kept in control. I'm back down to 174.5 which is good, so my first goal is to get to 170lbs or less by the end of Feb. I really think I can do it. I really want it! I've been cooking every day, eating more salad and fish, and sticking to my 2 yogurts a day. I did cheat tonight...I went to the movies and had some popcorn. But that became my dinner and I don't feel it will sabotage anything!

So the diet is good, but the move is hard. I know these scenarios may switch in the near future, so I will keep being prepared for whatever lies ahead! I have my cousin visiting me now, and I feel bad because I think my mood and attitude aren't making it a very fun time for her. I do feel down and I think it shows. I usually reach out to my friends and I haven't even felt like doing that. If anything I"m just driving my husband crazy! I know he keeps wondering if it was a mistake to take a job here, but I still think that in the long run it will be the right thing for us as a family. It will be something that helped where our future will take us...which I have a feeling will be outside of NJ. Anyway, for now I'll keep posting when I can...and like I said, working on having a better attitude.

Bye for now.

Friday, January 13, 2012

C1 Day 5 - Feeling Good

It's now day 5 of cycle 1 and I think I'm back to 175lbs. I don't have a good scale so I don't trust the one I'm using. I should be getting my scale from CO in the next week or so. I've been sticking to the plan though...that is with my slight changes, like I add nuts and raisins to my yogurt which you're not supposed to include on cycle 1. These small things help me get through the day feeling satisfied. This week I made Tilapia with garlic and lemon one day, I made the chicken non-tortilla soup from the Facebook 17 Day Diet page, and then just a chicken stew in the crockpot. I've also been eating quite a bit of salad. So far so good. It does feel so good to be back on the diet. It's amazing how I feel after just 5 days. That is what encourages me to stay on this diet. I haven't made it a "resolution" since I started in September of 2011, but I do plan to do this diet all year if I have to. I won't stress about it....if I feel tired of it and need a short break I will do so, but I will continue to come back to it. I would really like to be lower than 160lbs before I get pregnant again (if it happens!). Something I am doing different is that I've been going to the gym everyday and before I was only going 3 days a week. I've been having a lot of issues with my feet so it's been tough but I'm continuing on. It's another reason I need to lose this weight, for my feet, they can take it anymore!

Regarding my move to NJ...it's going ok. I'm starting to get a little settled in. At least my gym keeps me busy in the mornings, and I did apply for a job out here. We'll see what happens. Bye for now.

Monday, January 09, 2012

Day 1 Feels GREAT!

I'm SO HAPPY to be back on the 17 day diet. I really love this diet...as much as you can love a diet that is! I love how it makes me feel. Today I felt in control again and already felt these recent added lbs from water retention begin to release :) It's amazing how the de-toxing works! I was true to the diet today....it didn't feel hard fortunately. It will be interesting to see what happens this time around because I plan to work out more. Now that I'm at home and am new to the area I've decided to focus more on going to the gym and my workouts. I weighed myself this morning and it looks like I weigh 178lbs, but I don't trust the scale I have here. I think it's a little under my actual weight. Ok, that's it for today. My goal is to start drinking more water and eating alot more fish.

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Starting Over Tomorrow

The time for eating non-stop has come to an end! I decided to get off the diet and enjoy the holidays and my final days in Colorado. I may be regretting that tomorrow....when I officially go back on the diet! I haven't weighed myself in a while, and I don't have a good scale here, but I'm pretty sure I'm back up to 180lbs. that's 7 lbs up. Since my last post I've moved to New Jersey. Life is still pretty unsettled since we don't have our final house yet and I'll have to look for a job etc, but the good news is that I do have my new gym! I signed up today and am so happy because it's the same quality as my gym in Colorado! I LOVED my gym, and this one is good too! Today I did a step class, it hurt! I've also been having a problem with my left heel...I might have plantar fascitis on my heal, that or bone spurs. So as for the diet, I start up again tomorrow. A brand new cycle 1. Now I plan to stay on until I'm at least 155lbs. I know the diet works and feels good once you stick to it. I convinced a good friend of mine to do the diet...and her and her husband have lost 8lbs in a week, it's great to see that success! My other friend and her husband have lost 23lbs...so time for me to continue! I know it will be challenging with all the changes I'm facing right now, but I'll do my best. I plan to start cooking again, so I'll post any good recipes. Ok, I'll be posting more frequently now.